Information about Thrive Plymouth
Thrive Plymouth is led by the Office of the Director of Public Health, Plymouth City Council and is our 10-year plan to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities in the city.
Thrive Plymouth is a movement for a healthier Plymouth. It is about improving the health and wellbeing of everyone in the city. There is currently a life expectancy gap of 12.2 years between neighbourhoods in Plymouth. Closing that gap is crucial to the city thriving and an outstanding quality of life being enjoyed by everyone. The seemingly insignificant choices we make have a major impact on the things we all care about. Everyone, – public sector organisations, private sector employers and individuals – has a role to play in making Plymouth Thrive.
Over the last years, the Thrive Plymouth programme has worked with hundreds of organisations across the city to promote healthy lifestyles – to support people to be free from tobacco, drink alcohol safely, be physically active and eat healthily. More information about the Thrive Plymouth programme and network is available here.