Pollenize CIC is a social enterprise increasing Plymouth’s urban biodiversity.
By Matthew Elmes – BSc Environmental Science and Owen Finnie – BA Sociology.
We founded Pollenize CIC in March 2018 acknowledging, like many others, the importance of pollinators and their habitats, however both pollinator numbers and habitat coverage have declined rapidly over the years.
We believe a mixture of education, urban beekeeping and native wildflower planting in the city is part of the solution going forward to combat this decline.
We are increasing Plymouth’s urban biodiversity by facilitating community supported beekeepers and beehives at our apiaries. As well as,educating about pollinator conservation, and establishing pollinator friendly habitats in the city.
We are about to launch in the city across three carefully selected sites, and will be working closely with British Black bee, and hope to seek a collaborative partnership with the Mount Edgecombe apiary. We have an important aspect of the business which concentrates with re-establishing wildflower foraging habitats for pollinators in an urban environment. We are looking for ways to record our data with citizen science, and are working closely with one of the sites to implement this.
Visit their website for more information and find out how you can get involved: www.pollenize.org.uk