Food Plymouth, as an Observer Partner of the Interreg FLAVOUR Project, focusing on Food Surplus and Labour, the Valorisation of Underused Resources invites you to take part in the survey below. This is part of our work in support of the FLAVOUR project team at Plymouth Marjon University (Marjon). This survey is to identify good practices in the coaching and training of target employees (those far from the labour market) in the food / food surplus sector and other sectors. This research is part of Interreg FLAVOUR project.
We are making this opportunity available to everyone in Food Plymouth’s partnership and network and our wider stakeholder base in order to reach any relevant initiative / organisation that does not form part of the FLAVOUR Project but is working within the food / food surplus sector and other sectors of the economy and is delivering best practice.
The Interreg, 2 Seas Mers Zeeen , FLAVOUR PROJECT, is funded by the European Union (EU) and focuses on Food surplus and Labour, the Valorisation of Underused Resources.
The FLAVOUR Project is a collaboration between 10 European implementing partners and 13 observer partners in order to reduce food waste and increase employment opportunities for people with a distance to the labour market. Plymouth Marjon University is one of ten European partners working together on this project and Food Plymouth is an observer partner.
One of the project packages focuses on developing the employability behaviours, competencies and skills required for those far from the labour market. Therefore the FLAVOUR team at Marjon have created this survey aiming to identifying good practices in the coaching and training of target employees (such as persons far from the labour market, job seekers, volunteers, persons facing mental health challenges) in the food / food surplus sector, involving handling, processing (for human consumption), and sorting / distributing food; and to share and identify behaviours, skills, competencies and experience of training and coaching people far from the labour market to be employed / self-employed in the food / food surplus sector and other sectors.
The research will be conducted at Marjon and we would like to invite organisations / associations / businesses in the food / Food surplus sector to participate and share their best practice. The survey is particularly looking for the skills / competencies needed in food distribution, food collection and food processing and the gathered data will be a themed summary of what skills are needed for specific area in the food surplus chain. These good practices should exemplify the following criteria; “targeted”, “effective”, “measurable”, “innovative” and “replicable”. The collected examples of good practice and skills / competencies / behaviours needed in the food surplus sector, identified by managers / owners of participating organisations, will be summarised and form part of a ‘State of the Industry’ report.
Access the FLAVOUR information sheets below contain information about the study, the reason why it is being conducted, who is leading it, the risks and benefits and the withdrawal day (15thJuly 2019). The survey itself contains a consent element and one cannot submit the survey without giving consent. The last day that surveys can be accepted is the 15th July 2019 and even after a survey has been submitted it may be withdrawn without explanation at any time up until the 15th of July 2019.
Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time up to the 15th of July 2019 without providing a reason. Furthermore, please note that the data will be stored on a secure system only accessible by the researchers involved directly in the FLAVOUR project. The data will be retained for future research and the results of the study may be published or presented at meetings or conferences and may be provided to research funders.