By Ian Smith
As outlined at recent Food Plymouth partnership and network meeting, Food Plymouth CIC has contracted to be an ‘Observer Partner’ in the EU funded FLAVOUR Interreg2Seas project. This involves working with Plymouth Marjon University (Marjon) and other partners in the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. The overall aim of FLAVOUR is delivering social innovative business models around: Effectively and efficiently managing food surpluses; creating pathways to employment and jobs; and ideally also supporting people experiencing food insecurity.
From Food Plymouth’s perspective, this spans the domains of: The eco-footprint of the food system; promoting healthy and sustainable food to the public; skills, training and employment; diverse and vibrant local food economy; and social enterprise. Marjon’s role in the FLAVOUR project is around the development of social enterprise training tools. So, all very much in keeping with Plymouth’s Social Enterprise City status.
We look forward to working with the Marjon team in the coming years of FLAVOUR. We will keep you informed of progress and any emerging opportunities in future editions of this e-bulletin.