Food Plymouth is delighted to support Fairtrade Plymouth’s great work around sustainability and social justice. Fairtrade fits happily into the Catering and Procurement theme of our Sustainable Food Cities (SFC) work. We are therefore pleased to bring you Fairtrade Plymouth’s news of these events during Fairtrade Fortnight …
Come and celebrate all things FAIRTRADE at THE CLIPPER, UNION STREET on
Thursday 28 February, Friday 1 March and Saturday 2 March
from 12 noon to 8pm.
Enjoy Fairtrade Coffee and Tea with delicious Fairtrade Baking, Fairtrade Stories
Fairtrade Stall with Fairtrade by Mary, with lovely crafts and cards from around the world
Supported by the Co-op and featuring daily events with quizzes and prizes.
Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalised producers and workers, especially in the Global South. (World Fairtrade Organisation).