Food Plymouth’s work in the Devon New Economies movement creates numerous lines of connectivity and generates some fascinating opportunities. The latest manifestation of this comes from our collaborative partnership working with the South Devon Bioregional Learning Centre facilitated by Isabel Carlisle. On Tuesday 10th September, day two of an exciting ‘Bioregional Learning Journey’ programme, Isabel and programme participants will be visiting Plymouth. During that morning, Food Plymouth and partners will be hosting a Bioregional Learning visit to urban growing projects in Devonport and Stonehouse, followed by a ‘lunch and learn session’ at a central venue (ideally The Clipper, however, this needs to be confirmed at time of publication).
Please see below for further information. If you feel that you have something to contribute to the visit and we are not already talking with you about this, please let us know by e-mailing
Building collaborations to shift South Devon towards long-term climate resilience. We work in and at the intersection of economy, ecology, learning, arts and culture and the gaps in between.
Today’s challenges to human and environmental wellbeing are called ‘wicked’ problems because they are complex and go everywhere. Climate change is the grandmother of them all because it amplifies every other challenge. Responding to such a challenge takes all of us learning and working together. And it requires us to think like a system.
This September the Bioregional Learning Centre in South Devon is launching its learning programmes in systems leadership with a journey round the region. As someone who is playing a leading role in the food sector locally we invite you to join us. Each day will be held by experienced course leaders Isabel Carlisle and Glenn Page and you will take away a fuller understanding of the likely impact of climate change on many aspects of food, farming and fishing, and how to plan for resilience.
We will listen to people on the front line in five different locations, harvest the learning and begin to join the dots into a long-term resilience strategy on the last day. We have spaces for 25 learner/influencers.
To reserve a place please email Isabel Carlisle.